Analysing qualitative data is a wonderful way to truly understand customers and employees – however, if not done correctly it can be a difficult and costly affair. Even if you have all the tools required to collect, process, analyse, and visualise the data, you also need analysts with expert-level competence on how the tools work, how languages work, and how the human mind works.
At Parlametric we believe that our partners should focus on building a strong business and let the narrative analysis be done by experts – such as us. That is why we are not a typical software company – but more of an Analysis-as-a-Service company.
We see your unique needs and set up a solution that gives you the most out of your narrative data. We deliver value and concrete insights – not just another one-size- fits-all tool with complex features and questionable results (wordclouds, keyword summaries, faulty transcripts – ringing a bell?).
We do it all for you – in a smooth and service-minded way – so that you can focus on turning the data and insights into business-improving actions.
Throughout all our partnerships we strive to be professional and caring. Our aim is to create and maintain fruitful and evolving relationships with all our clients.
The safety and integrity of our partners, their employees, clients, and brand, as well as our employees and brand, is a top priority within all our projects.
We continously and fundamentally strive to improve our partners’ understanding, and make narrative data change the way they build a smarter and stronger business.
We aim to establish Narrative Analytics as a business intelligence commodity within all organisations, regardless of size and technological know-how.
Who are Parlametric?
Parlametric is a research-based company specialising in narrative analytics – one of the fastest growing areas within business intelligence and market research. Our value proposition exists in the intersection between behaviour analytics and customer experience analytics. Parlametric help organisations to capture and understand peoples’ real behaviour and experiences.
Parlametric has proprietary technologies and innovative methods to collect, quantify, and visualise qualitative data such as text and voice. Rather than focusing on simple keywords, sentiment, or clusters, we use context-adaptive sentence-based language models which gives richer, more useful, and more accurate representations of the analysed communication.
Our deliveries help organisations improve marketing, optimise sales, identify critical issues in the customer journey, solve costly bottlenecks, find business opportunities, and make faster and more accurate decisions.

Our History
Parlametric was founded 2017 as a democratisation project. The founders developed a methodology for workplaces that encouraged employees to freely express what was on their mind, at any time, which opened for a more inclusive and democratic work environment. This enabled companies to identify issues before they turned into a huge problem – and made employees feel more involved. The methodology was inspired from attitude psychology research highlighting the pitfalls and downsides of traditional survey methods using abstract scales or a limited set of alternatives to choose from.
Parlametric has now grown and evolved into a more holistic language analysis company with the main purpose of helping organisations improve by deepening their understanding as well as identifying bottlenecks and business opportunities. However, giving a voice to people is still very much at the heart of Parlametric and we firmly believe that all organisations benefit tremendously by listening more carefully to clients, employees, stakeholders, and rightsholders.